Senior Leadership Staff
Just as with a traditional board-staff relationship, a single point of contact from the staffing level is imperative to ensure robust communication between the Board of Directors and the administrative staff. Stuart Strategic has the ability to either draw on existing staff resources, or develop new resources to serve its clients' needs for a senior staff member capable of effectively communicating with the board and leadership, as well as marshaling the administrative staff in an efficient manner to carryout the work of the organization.
The client organization has the option of identifying its senior staff leader in whatever fashion it chooses. It may identify the leader as its Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, or any other descriptor it sees fit to use.
Attributes of a Strong Senior Staff Leader:
13570 Meadowgrass Drive Suite 201 Colorado Springs, CO 80921 | 719-330-8923 or 719-314-6133 |